Matthias Iannis Portelli (he/him) is a 21 year old Maltese-European who grew up in L-Andrijiet Rabat and is currently residing in Paola. He is Volt Malta's candidate in the European Parliament elections of 2024.
Matthias’ educational path is centred around his passion for politics and history, thus, he has pursued European and Classic Studies, and is a postgraduate in International Security Studies.
Matthias holds a deep-seated ambition to enter politics and make a meaningful difference in his homeland. His passion for political science has transformed into an unwavering commitment to utilise his knowledge and skills for the betterment of Malta and Europe. This dedication was further cemented during his university years and his involvement with Volt Malta, which further fuelled his dedication to the field of politics.
Matthias joined Volt Malta and Volt Europa in 2020, serving in various roles including Policy Lead which played a crucial role in constructing the party’s manifesto for the 2022 General Election.
In December 2022, he was elected as the Vice-President of Volt Malta and will help lead the party in the upcoming European Parliament elections due 2024.
Check out his personal manifesto for the EU 2024 Elections!
News about Matthias Iannis Portelli

Volt Malta & MEP Candidate Matthias Iannis Portelli Campaign expenses 2024 EU Elections
L-Għażla għall-Ewropa: Meritokrazija jew lil min taf? - Newsbook

'Dħalt fl-arena politika għax naf li hemm min iħossu mhux rappreżentat politikament' - Illum

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