An innovative transport system, night busses and bicycle parking stations
Develop a consistent night bus schedule that compliments a day schedule, ensure bike-sharing by setting up more bicycle parking stations and effective security barriers for bicycle lanes and transition into permanent pedestrianisation of village cores

Volt believes that our islands require an innovative transport model by reforming road infrastructure. For starters, the party would like to implement a nationwide research project into the viability of diverse modes of transport such as metro, tram and Rapid Bus Transit system, to be finalised in the span of four years. In conjunction, the party wants to introduce a one-card system for all future modes of public transport, in order to promote ease of access.
‘‘We want to bring forward a holistic transport plan that incorporates everyone’s mobility needs and requirements’’ commented Alexia DeBono, Co-President and candidate on the 8th and 9th districts.
In the short-term, Volt proposes to develop a consistent night bus schedule that compliments the current model. In addition, the party advocates for an increase in the number of priority lanes or bus corridors, to ensure efficiency and punctuality of bus routes.
Regarding other alternative modes of transport, Volt recommends bike-sharing by setting up bicycle parking stations in every locality and constructing effective security barriers for bicycle lanes. It is well established that cyclists don’t feel safe on Maltese roads. The party also has a plan for transitioning village cores into permanent pedestrianisation and ensuring accessible pavements for wheelchair users and pushchairs, amongst others.
‘’Transport is an essential part of our day to day lives’’, added Kassandra Mallia, Volt Malta Vice-President and candidate on the 10th and 11th districts, ‘‘it must be efficient, easy to access and above all sustainable towards the environment.’’