More Democratic than the PN, More social than the PL, greenest in the EP
We compared the election programmes of the two parties in Parliament with ours and found out that the proposals we bring forward are far more ambitious, and more detailed than of the respective parties.
More Social than the Labour Party
This claim is based on the Thriving Together Act, and Good Jobs and Shared Prosperity Act, from our Moonshot Programme compared to the Manifesto of the Labour Party - Partit Laburista (PL)
The PL's manifesto is fairly short, without any policies on how to improve workers' rights, the rights of the LGBTQI+ community or reproductive rights.
Here is (some) of what we are proposing
Strong rights for the LGBTQI+ community across the entire EU -while in Malta rights of the community are well recognised, Maltese along with other EU citizens living outside of the country do necessarily benefit from the same rights. We also call for the creation of EU funding schemes that are directly accessible by civic, social or political organisations to promote constructive dialogue initiatives between divergent views on LGBTQIA+ rights and other contentious topics that are fuelling a social divide within Europe
Recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights - this is something Malta is lacking in too. We want right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, ensure all forms of contraceptives, PrEP are free, as well as menstrual products, and that there is inclusive standardised SRHR curriculum
Democratise the workplace - we believe workers should have a greater say in the workplace. In addition to create a harmonised status for cooperative companies and incentivise them,we also want to democratise the workplace by requiring worker participation in boards of large companies, as well as promoting unionisation
More Democratic than the Nationalist Party
This claim is based on the Reform the EU Act and European Democracy Act from our Moonshot Programme compared to the Manifesto of the Nationalist Party - Partit Nazzjonalista (PN)
The PN's manifesto is unfortunately even shorter, with a very limited number of policies. Despite being the party that brought Malta into the European Union there is barely a mention of the EU itself.
Have the EU Executive be elected from among MEPs - in addition to reforming the European Commission, we want the person who leads the executive (today is the EU Commission President) to actually be elected by the people as an MEP, and then elected by the European Parliament. Meanwhile the PN's EU party, the EPP, is running a candidate for the EU Commission President who is not even running to be an MEP
Establish a permanent European Citizens’ Assembly - this would be made up of a rotating group of randomly selected citizens, with rotating membership who would discuss a broad spectrum of issues, and providing feedback on legislative proposals.
Push for European Parliament right to legislative initiative - Volt will also push for the European Parliament, the only institutions elected directly by EU citizens, to have the right to initiate EU laws
Protect and Strengthen Democracy - While the PN wants autonomous and impartial institutions to strengthen democracy in Malta with full respect of the rule of law, they don't explain how and which ones. However, Volt wants to strengthen existing anti-corruption instruments and mechanisms, such as the European Union Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), as well as create a more ambitious EU Ethics Body.
Greenest in the EP
According to the EU Elections: EU Parliament Scoreboard 2019-2024, Volt's MEP Damian Boeselagers' voting record was the greenest of all of the MEPs, even outdoing every other Greens/EFA MEP. He was the only one to achieve a full 100/100 when it came to his votes on climate, nature and pollution.
We also have a number of policies put forward, detailed in the Climate Transition Act and Healthy Ecosystems Act of our Moonshot Programme.